Sunday, April 13, 2008

Orthodox Anglicanism

We Pray the Blessing of God the The Father, God The Son, And God the Holy Ghost be in your hearts, on your minds, and in your mouth.

We Here at Sarum Mission have begun a new Project which we are calling Orthodox Anglicanism. The purpose of this project is to layout in clear and simple terms what Orthodox Anglicanism is; we must confess that we have seen a few attempts at what we ourselves are attempting in defining Orthodoxy, and truly if we felt that they were sufficient then we ourselves would do no more. However as it is we find all works along this line wanting in many things; we here at the Sarum Mission do believe that this is due to the fear of offense that taking a firm stand might cause.

We must be charitable at all times however we must not water down or sacrifice the truth for the fear of offense. With this said it is our hope that you find what we provide helpful.

Orthodox Anglicanism

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